Saturday, October 1, 2011

I can't say no this time.

In the past I would've said no to everything these people would've asked me to do. Mostly because I wanted revenge for being walked on. I wanted my just deserts for taking months of agony and verbal abuse.

But in light of the recent lawsuit, where I AM being sued, and being fired... I don't have much of a choice but to trust these people. Like honestly, what the fuck can I really say? No I won't help you, but you need to help me to survive this time.

It feels like I'm being punished and taught a lesson at the same time. God wants me to stop fucking over my family, or my mom in particular. And he also wants me to--

**my mom just asked me to start cleaning on a day I wanted to study**

Fucking... I hate cleaning. I think two things slow me down. 1st, my job. 2nd, cleaning up the house. I'm shabby at both. I'm not horrendously imcompetant, no. I'm just not capable of bringing everything they want. But what I can do, I do it like a Boss.

SO I'M REALLY TRYING TO GET THIS OFF MY CHEST! Because if I don't I go off talking to myself and thats not cool.

By the way, alter-me, which, lets be honest, is high me. I don't like him as much. I get high too much. I get tired of it. I'm such an old man. I barely even like to smoke anymore.

Hell, I'm going to church more. Didn't quite see me going all conservative all of the sudden.

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